Masurian Lake District | Masuria, Poland, Map & Facts

The Land of Masurian Lakes (or Masurian Lake District) is more than 2 thousand lakes connected by 12 canals, 8 rivers, and three locks. The lakes are surrounded by huge forests with landscaped parks and nature reserves. This is a land of unique virgin nature, an ideal place for adherents of a secluded and relaxing holiday. Fans of active sports will also have something to do here.

Masurian Lake District
Masurian Lake District

The region of the Masurian Lakes is centered around the largest lake in Poland, Lake Śniardwy and Lake Mamry with their adjacent reservoirs. More than 15% of the area of ​​this fertile region is covered with water, and another 30% is covered with forest.

Masurian Lake District
Masurian Lake District

On the territory of the Masurian Lake District, there is the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park - a biosphere reserve of relict forest and habitat of the world's largest population of bison.
The largest lakes: are Snyardwy, Mamry, and Niegocin. The largest canals are the Masurian Canal and Elbląg Canal. Popular resorts: Gizycko, Mikolajki, Wegorzewo, Ryn, Pish and Ilawa.

Masurian Lake District Map